%0 Journal Article %A Christian Klemt %A Sakkadech Limmahakhun %A Georges Bounajem %A Liang Xiong %A Ingwon Yeo %A Young-Min Kwon %T Effect of postural changes on in vivo pelvic tilt and functional component anteversion in total hip arthroplasty patients with lumbar disc degenerations %D 2020 %J The Bone & Joint Journal %P 1505-1510 %V 102-B %N 11 %R 10.1302/0301-620X.102B11.BJJ-2020-0777.R1 %U https://doi.org/10.1302/0301-620X.102B11.BJJ-2020-0777.R1 %K Total hip arthroplasty,Lumbar degenerative disc disease,Dual fluoroscopy,Functional cup anteversion