The April 2023 Trauma Roundup360 looks at: Displaced femoral neck fractures in patients aged 55 to 70 years: internal fixation or total hip arthroplasty?; Tibial plateau fractures: continuous passive motion approves range of motion; Lisfranc fractures: to fuse or not to fuse, that is the question; Is hardware removal after clavicle fracture plate fixation beneficial?; Fixation to coverage in Grade IIIB open fractures – what’s the time window?; Nonoperative versus locking plate fixation in the proximal humerus; Retrograde knee nailing or lateral plate for distal femur fractures?
The August 2023 Wrist & Hand Roundup360 looks at: Complications and patient-reported outcomes after trapeziectomy with a Weilby sling: a cohort study; Swelling, stiffness, and dysfunction following proximal interphalangeal joint sprains; Utility of preoperative MRI for assessing proximal fragment vascularity in scaphoid nonunion; Complications and outcomes of operative treatment for acute perilunate injuries: a systematic review; The position of the median nerve in relation to the palmaris longus tendon at the wrist: a study of 784 MR images; Basal fractures of the ulnar styloid? A randomized controlled trial; Proximal row carpectomy versus four-corner arthrodesis in SLAC and SNAC wrist; Managing cold intolerance after hand injury: a systematic review.
The August 2024 Wrist & Hand Roundup360 looks at: Methotrexate shows potential in reducing pain for hand osteoarthritis with synovitis; Circumferential casting versus plaster splinting in adult distal radius fractures: the CAST study findings; Surgery shows superior long-term success for Dupuytren contracture compared to needle fasciotomy and collagenase injection; Evolving trends in surgical management of wrist arthritis: a decade-long national analysis; Mid-term outcomes of three commonly used surgical reconstructions for scapholunate instability; SLAC and SNAC: what is the evidence for treatment?; Steroids for trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis?; When is it safe to return to driving after distal radius fracture fixation? A prospective study.
The April 2024 Foot & Ankle Roundup360 looks at: Safety of arthroscopy combined with radial extracorporeal shockwave therapy for osteochondritis of the talus; Bipolar allograft transplantation of the ankle; Identifying risk factors for osteonecrosis after talar fracture; Balancing act: immediate versus delayed weightbearing in ankle fracture recovery; Levelling the field: proximal supination osteotomy’s efficacy in severe and super-severe hallux valgus; Restoring balance: how adjusting the tibiotalar joint line influences movement after ankle surgery.
The June 2024 Foot & Ankle Roundup360 looks at: First MTPJ fusion in young versus old patients; Minimally invasive calcaneum Zadek osteotomy and the effect of sequential burr passes; Comparison between Achilles tendon reinsertion and dorsal closing wedge calcaneal osteotomy for the treatment of insertional Achilles tendinopathy; Revision ankle arthroplasty – is it worthwhile?; Tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis or below-knee amputation – salvage or sacrifice?; Fusion or replacement for hallux rigidus?.
The December 2024 Trauma Roundup360 looks at: Percutaneous lumbopelvic fixation is effective in the management of unstable transverse sacral fractures; A systematic review on autologous matrix-induced chondrogenesis (AMIC) for chondral knee defects; Stable clinical and radiological outcomes at medium and over five-year follow-up of calcaneus fracture open reduction internal fixation using a sinus tarsi approach; Right or left? It might make a difference; Suprapatellar versus infrapatellar tibial nailing – is there a difference in anterior knee pain and function?; Can patients safely weightbear following ankle fracture fixation?; Anterior-to-posterior or a plate fixation for posterior malleous fractures?; Audio distraction for traction pin insertion: a prospective randomized controlled study; Is intramedullary nailing of femoral diaphyseal fractures in the lateral decubitus position as safe and effective as on a traction table?
The December 2022 Spine Roundup360 looks at: Deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis protocol on a Level 1 trauma centre patient database; Non-specific spondylodiscitis: a new perspective for surgical treatment; Disc degeneration could be recovered after chemonucleolysis; Three-level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion versus corpectomy- anterior cervical discectomy and fusion “hybrid” procedures: how does the alignment look?; Rivaroxaban or enoxaparin for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis; Surgical site infection: when do we have to remove the implants?; Determination of a neurologic safe zone for bicortical S1 pedicle placement; Do you need to operate on unstable spine fractures in the elderly: outcomes and mortality; Degeneration to deformity: when does the patient need both?
The April 2023 Research Roundup360 looks at: Ear protection for orthopaedic surgeons?; Has arthroscopic meniscectomy use changed in response to the evidence?; Time to positivity of cultures obtained for periprosthetic joint infection; Bisphosphonates for post-COVID-19 osteonecrosis of the femoral head; Missing missed fractures: is AI the answer?; Congenital insensitivity to pain and correction of the knee; YouTube and paediatric elbow injuries.
The October 2024 Spine Roundup360 looks at: Analysis of risk factors for non-fusion of bone graft in anterior cervical discectomy and fusion: a clinical retrospective study; Does paraspinal muscle mass predict lumbar lordosis before and after decompression for degenerative spinal stenosis?; Return to work after surgery for lumbar disk herniation: a nationwide registry-based study; Can the six-minute walking test assess ambulatory function impairment in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy?; Complications after adult deformity surgery: losing more than sleep; Frailty limits how good we can get in adult spine deformity surgery.
The October 2023 Spine Roundup360 looks at: Cutting through surgical smoke: the science of cleaner air in spinal operations; Unlocking success: key factors in thoracic spine decompression and fusion for ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament; Deep learning algorithm for identifying cervical cord compression due to degenerative canal stenosis on radiography; Surgeon experience influences robotics learning curve for minimally invasive lumbar fusion; Decision-making algorithm for the surgical treatment of degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis of L4/L5; Response to preoperative steroid injections predicts surgical outcomes in patients undergoing fusion for isthmic spondylolisthesis.
The August 2024 Spine Roundup360 looks at: Laminectomy adjacent to instrumented fusion increases adjacent segment disease; Influence of the timing of surgery for cervical spinal cord injury without bone injury in the elderly: a retrospective multicentre study; Lumbar vertebral body tethering: single-centre outcomes and reoperations in a consecutive series of 106 patients; Machine-learning algorithms for predicting Cobb angle beyond 25° in female adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients; Pain in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis; Teriparatide prevents surgery for osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture.
The February 2023 Research Roundup360 looks at: Clinical and epidemiological features of scaphoid fracture nonunion; Routine sterile glove and instrument change at the time of abdominal wound closure to prevent surgical site infection (ChEETAh); Characterization of genetic risk of end-stage knee osteoarthritis treated with total knee arthroplasty; Platelet-rich plasma or autologous blood injection for plantar fasciitis; Volume and outcomes of joint arthroplasty; The hazards of absolute belief in the p-value laid bare.
The October 2023 Sports Roundup360 looks at: Extensor mechanism disruption in the treatment of dislocated and multiligament knee injuries; Treatment of knee osteoarthritis with injection of stem cells; Corticosteroid injection plus exercise or exercise alone as adjuvants for patients with plantar fasciitis?; Generalized joint hypermobility and a second ACL injury?; The VISA-A ((sedentary) questionnaire for Achilles tendinopathy?.
The August 2024 Shoulder & Elbow Roundup360 looks at: Comparing augmented and nonaugmented locking-plate fixation for proximal humeral fractures in the elderly; Elevated five-year mortality following shoulder arthroplasty for fracture; Total intravenous anaesthesia with propofol reduces discharge times compared with inhaled general anaesthesia in shoulder arthroscopy: a randomized controlled trial; The influence of obesity on outcomes following arthroscopic rotator cuff repair; Humeral component version has no effect on outcomes following reverse total shoulder arthroplasty: a prospective, double-blinded, randomized controlled trial; What is a meaningful improvement after total shoulder arthroplasty by implant type, preoperative diagnosis, and sex?; The safety of corticosteroid injection prior to shoulder arthroplasty: a systematic review; Mortality and subsequent fractures of patients with olecranon fractures compared to other upper limb osteoporotic fractures.
The October 2024 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: Cost-effectiveness analysis of soft bandage and immediate discharge versus rigid immobilization in children with distal radius torus fractures: the FORCE trial; Percutaneous Achilles tendon tenotomy in clubfoot with a blade or a needle: a single-centre randomized controlled noninferiority trial; Treatment of hip displacement in children with cerebral palsy: a five-year comparison of proximal femoral osteotomy and combined femoral-pelvic osteotomy in 163 children; The Core outcome Clubfoot (CoCo) study: relapse, with poorer clinical and quality of life outcomes, affects 37% of idiopathic clubfoot patients; Retention versus removal of epiphyseal screws in paediatric distal tibial fractures: no significant impact on outcomes; Predicting the resolution of residual acetabular dysplasia after brace treatment in infant DDH; Low prevalence of acetabular dysplasia following treatment for neonatal hip instability: a long-term study; How best to distract the patient?.
The October 2024 Shoulder & Elbow Roundup360 looks at: Proximal humeral fractures with vascular compromise; Outcomes and challenges of revision arthroscopic rotator cuff repair: a systematic review; Evaluating treatment effectiveness for lateral elbow tendinopathy: a systematic review and network meta-analysis; Tendon transfer techniques for irreparable subscapularis tears: a comparative review; Impact of subscapularis repair in reverse shoulder arthroplasty; Isolated subscapularis tears strongly linked to shoulder pseudoparesis; Nexel and Coonrad-Morrey total elbow arthroplasties show comparable revision rates in New Zealand study; 3D MRI matches 3D CT in assessing bone loss and shoulder morphology in dislocation cases.
The August 2023 Shoulder & Elbow Roundup360 looks at: Motor control or strengthening exercises for rotator cuff-related shoulder pain? A multi-arm randomized controlled trial; Does the choice of antibiotic prophylaxis influence reoperation rate in primary shoulder arthroplasty?; Common shoulder injuries in sport: grading the evidence; The use of medial support screw was associated with axillary nerve injury after plate fixation of proximal humeral fracture using a minimally invasive deltoid-splitting approach; MRI predicts outcomes of conservative treatment in patients with lateral epicondylitis; Association between surgeon volume and patient outcomes after elective shoulder arthroplasty; Arthroscopic decompression of calcific tendinitis without cuff repair; Functional outcome after nonoperative management of minimally displaced greater tuberosity fractures and predictors of poorer patient experience.
The April 2024 Shoulder & Elbow Roundup360 looks at: Acute rehabilitation following traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation (ARTISAN): pragmatic, multicentre, randomized controlled trial; Prevalence and predisposing factors of neuropathic pain in patients with rotator cuff tears; Are two plates better than one? The clavicle fracture reimagined; A single cell atlas of frozen shoulder capsule identifies features associated with inflammatory fibrosis resolution; Complication rates and deprivation go hand in hand with total shoulder arthroplasty; Longitudinal instability injuries of the forearm; A better than “best-fit circle” method for glenoid bone loss assessment; 3D supraspinatus muscle volume and intramuscular fatty infiltration after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair.
The August 2024 Hip & Pelvis Roundup360 looks at: Understanding perceived leg length discrepancy post-total hip arthroplasty: the role of pelvic obliquity; Influence of femoral stem design on revision rates in total hip arthroplasty; Outcomes of arthroscopic labral treatment of femoroacetabular impingement in adolescents; Characteristics and quality of online searches for direct anterior versus posterior approach for total hip arthroplasty; Rapid return to braking after anterior and posterior approach total hip arthroplasty; How much protection does a collar provide?; Timing matters: reducing infection risk in total hip arthroplasty with corticosteroid injection intervals; Identifying pain recovery patterns in total hip arthroplasty using PROMIS data.