Aims. The outcome following the development of neurological complications after corrective surgery for scoliosis varies from full recovery to a permanent deficit. This study aimed to assess the
Aims. This study aimed to evaluate the incidence and
Seventy children who had suffered from Perthes' disease were reviewed clinically and radiologically three to eight years from the onset of the condition in order to determine retrospectively the most satisfactory method of assessing the
Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis or lateral elbow tendinopathy) is a self-limiting condition in most patients. Surgery is often offered to patients who fail to improve with conservative treatment. However, there is no evidence to support the superiority of surgery over continued nonoperative care or no treatment. New evidence also suggests that the
The clinical results in a series of 131 patients with 134 brachial plexus injuries were analysed to determine the factors affecting
Injuries to the quadriceps muscle group are common in athletes performing high-speed running and kicking sports. The complex anatomy of the rectus femoris puts it at greatest risk of injury. There is variability in
Prediction tools are instruments which are commonly used to estimate the
Aims. The aim of this study was to report the long-term
1. Three hundred and twenty cases of tuberculosis of the hip joint have been analysed and the late results assessed three or more years after discharge from hospital. 2. The primary bone focus involved the acetabulum alone in 39·3 per cent; the acetabulum and femoral head in 34·1 per cent; the head of femur alone in 19·2 per cent, and the femoral neck alone in 7·4 per cent. In 101 cases widespread destruction of the joint had taken place by the time the patient first came under observation. 3. Premature epiphysial fusion round the knee joint of the affected side occurred in 23 per cent of all patients under the age of fifteen years. 4. When hip disease was complicated by multiple foci of active tuberculosis or by secondarily infected abscesses and sinuses, the
Aims. Given the possible radiation damage and inaccuracy of radiological investigations, particularly in children, ultrasound and superb microvascular imaging (SMI) may offer alternative methods of evaluating new bone formation when limb lengthening is undertaken in paediatric patients. The aim of this study was to assess the use of ultrasound combined with SMI in monitoring new bone formation during limb lengthening in children. Methods. In this retrospective cohort study, ultrasound and radiograph examinations were performed every two weeks in 30 paediatric patients undergoing limb lengthening. Ultrasound was used to monitor new bone formation. The number of vertical vessels and the blood flow resistance index were compared with those from plain radiographs. Results. We categorized the new bone formation into three stages: stage I (early lengthening), in which there was no obvious callus formation on radiographs and ultrasound; stage II (lengthening), in which radiographs showed low-density callus formation with uneven distribution and three sub-stages could be identified on ultrasound: in Ia punctate callus was visible; in IIb there was linear callus formation which was not yet connected and in IIc there was continuous linear callus. In stage III (healing), the bone ends had united, the periosteum was intact, and the callus had disappeared, as confirmed on radiographs, indicating healed bone. A progressive increase in the number of vertical vessels was noted in the early stages, peaking during stages IIb and IIc, followed by a gradual decline (p < 0.001). Delayed healing involved patients with a prolonged stage IIa or those who regressed to stage IIa from stages IIb or IIc during lengthening. Conclusion. We found that the formation of new bone in paediatric patients undergoing limb lengthening could be reliably evaluated using ultrasound when combined with the radiological findings. This combination enabled an improved assessment of the
Aims. Venous tumour thrombus (VTT) is a rare finding in osteosarcoma. Despite the high rate of VTT in osteosarcoma of the pelvis, there are very few descriptions of VTT associated with extrapelvic primary osteosarcoma. We therefore sought to describe the prevalence and presenting features of VTT in osteosarcoma of both the pelvis and the limbs. Methods. Records from a single institution were retrospectively reviewed for 308 patients with osteosarcoma of the pelvis or limb treated between January 2000 and December 2022. Primary lesions were located in an upper limb (n = 40), lower limb (n = 198), or pelvis (n = 70). Preoperative imaging and operative reports were reviewed to identify patients with thrombi in proximity to their primary lesion. Imaging and histopathology were used to determine presence of tumour within the thrombus. Results. Tumours abutted the blood vessels in 131 patients (43%) and encased the vessels in 30 (10%). Any form of venous thrombus was identified in 31 patients (10%). Overall, 21 of these thrombi were determined to be involved with the tumour based on imaging (n = 9) or histopathology (n = 12). The rate of VTT was 25% for pelvic osteosarcoma and 1.7% for limb osteosarcoma. The most common imaging features associated with histopathologically proven VTT were enhancement with contrast (n = 12; 100%), venous enlargement (n = 10; 83%), vessel encasement (n = 8; 66%), and visible intraluminal osteoid matrix (n = 6; 50%). Disease-specific survival (DSS) for patients with VTT was 95% at 12 months (95% CI 0.87 to 1.00), 50% at three years (95% CI 0.31 to 0.80), and 31% at five years (95% CI 0.14 to 0.71). VTT was associated with worse DSS (hazard ratio 2.3 (95% CI 1.11 to 4.84). Conclusion. VTT is rare with osteosarcoma and occurs more commonly in the pelvis than the limbs. Imaging features suggestive of VTT include enhancement with contrast, venous dilation, and vessel encasement. VTT portends a worse
Aims. Patients with cauda equina syndrome (CES) require emergency imaging and surgical decompression. The severity and type of symptoms may influence the timing of imaging and surgery, and help predict the patient’s
Injury of the neck may result when a motor vehicle is run into from behind; such injury is frequently the cause of prolonged disability and litigation. We report a series of 61 patients with these injuries. A classification, based upon the presenting symptoms and physical signs has been evolved. This classification is shown to be a reliable basis for formulating a
1. Forty-five cases of zoster paralysis, not involving the cranial nerves, are detailed. These include eighteen cases not previously published. Of these eighteen patients, one-third were referred for an orthopaedic opinion. 2. Complete or almost full recovery occurred within a year in two-thirds of the patients. Permanent paralysis occurred in one-sixth of the patients studied. 3. Muscles that failed to recover were mainly or wholly supplied from single segments of the spinal cord; so the
We undertook a prospective study to evaluate the prognostic significance of the serum levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in predicting the survival of patients with osteosarcoma. The levels were measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in 15 patients with osteosarcoma before commencing treatment. The patients were divided into two groups, with a high or a low serum VEGF level, and the incidence of metastases and overall survival rate were compared. No significant relationship was observed between the serum VEGF levels and gender, age, the size of the tumour or the response to pre-operative chemotherapy. Patients with a serum VEGF >
1000 pg/ml had significantly worse survival than those with a level <
1000 pg/ml (p = 0.002). The serum VEGF level may be useful in predicting the
A review was performed of 86 cases of infantile idiopathic scoliosis treated between 1962 and 1979. The single primary curves were classified as resolving, stable, progressive with a low rib--vertebra angle difference (RVAD) and progressive with a high RVAD. Two single primary curves subsequently developed a second curve and 17 were double when first diagnosed.
Between 1986 and 2002, 42 patients with synchronous multifocal osteosarcoma were treated with two different protocols of neoadjuvant chemotherapy. When feasible, the primary and secondary tumours were excised as a combined procedure. After initial chemotherapy 26 patients were excluded from simultaneous excision of all their secondary bone lesions as their disease was too advanced. In 12 patients only isolated excision of the primary lesion was possible. For 16 patients simultaneous operations were conducted to excise the primary and secondary lesions. This involved two supplementary sites in 15 patients and four additional sites in one patient. Of these, 15 attained remission but 12 relapsed and died (11 within two years). Three patients remained disease-free at five, six and 17 years. The histological response to pre-operative chemotherapy of the primary and secondary lesions was concordant in 13 of the 16 patients who underwent simultaneous operations at more than one site. The
We compared the prognostic value of the Catterall grouping, the Salter-Thompson grading, the arthrographic shape of the femoral head, and the Herring lateral pillar grouping during the fragmentation stage of Perthes’ disease in 73 patients with 81 affected hips. Radiographs were available for study from the onset of the disease until skeletal maturity. We used the Stulberg classification to assess outcome. The Herring grade and arthrographic sphericity proved to be the best predictors of final outcome. Combining these two values further increased the predictive value. All but one patient in Herring group A achieved an excellent outcome. In Herring group B, the age of the child and the sphericity of the femoral head influenced the end result. If the child was less than seven years old at the onset of symptoms the
1. The methods by which epiphyses receive their blood supply was studied by means of India ink injections in monkeys. Two types were identified depending upon whether the epiphysis was entirely or partly covered by articular cartilage. In the former, nutrient vessels enter the epiphysis by traversing the perichondrium at the periphery of the plate. In the latter they enter the epiphysis by penetrating the cortex at the side of the epiphysis at a point remote from the epiphysial plate. 2. The histological changes after separation of the second type of epiphysis were also studied. After temporary interference with endochondral ossification marked by increased thickness of the epiphysial plate, healing occurred so rapidly that within three weeks it was difficult to determine that the epiphysis had been separated at all. 3. It is concluded that when nutrient vessels enter an epiphysis at a point remote from the epiphysial plate, that epiphysis can be separated without serious disturbance to its blood supply and accordingly without interference with its capacity for growth. As it has been established that an epiphysis which is entirely covered by articular cartilage cannot be separated without destruction of its blood supply and subsequent avascular necrosis (Harris and Hobson 1956), it is concluded that the
In fifty-two knees with spontaneous osteonecrosis the diagnosis was based on a subchondral transradiancy in the weight-bearing surface of the medial femoral condyle. Strontium-85 scintimetry showed a unique pattern, indicating a lively repair reaction by localised high values. Thirteen of fifteen knees followed between two and twenty-three years developed osteoarthritis. The