The February 2025 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup. 360. looks at: Are antibiotics enough for the initial management of paediatric Gustilo-Anderson type I upper limb open fractures?; Advanced imaging for tibial tubercle fractures; Spinal fusion improves quality of life in cerebral palsy scoliosis: a multicentre study; Hip displacement after triradiate closure in ambulatory cerebral palsy; Telehealth validation for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: comparable clinical measurements enhance access to care; Long-term prognostic markers for residual dysplasia in developmental dysplasia of the hip after
The December 2022 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup. 360. looks at: Immobilization of torus fractures of the wrist in children (FORCE): a randomized controlled equivalence trial in the UK; Minimally invasive method in treatment of idiopathic congenital vertical talus: recurrence is uncommon; “You’re O.K. Anaesthesia”:
The February 2024 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup. 360. looks at: Hip impingement after in situ pinning causes decreased flexion and forced external rotation in flexion on 3D-CT; Triplane ankle fracture patterns in paediatric patients; Improved forearm rotation even after early conversion to below-elbow; Selective dorsal rhizotomy and cerebral palsy (CP) hip displacement; Abduction bracing following anterior open reduction for developmental dysplasia of the hip does not improve residual dysplasia or reduce secondary surgery; 40% risk of later total hip arthroplasty for in situ slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) pinning; Does brace treatment following
The December 2023 Shoulder & Elbow Roundup. 360. looks at: Clavicle fractures: is the evidence changing practice?; Humeral shaft fractures, and another meta-analysis…let’s wait for the trials now!; Hemiarthroplasty or total elbow arthroplasty for distal humeral fractures…what does the registry say?; What to do with a first-time shoulder dislocation?; Deprivation indices and minimal clinically important difference for patient-reported outcomes after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair; Prospective randomized clinical trial of arthroscopic repair versus debridement for partial subscapularis tears; Long-term follow-up following
The October 2023 Wrist & Hand Roundup. 360. looks at: Distal radius fracture management: surgeon factors markedly influence decision-making; Fracture-dislocation of the radiocarpal joint: bony and capsuloligamentar management, outcomes, and long-term complications; Exploring the role of artificial intelligence chatbot in the management of scaphoid fractures; Role of ultrasonography for evaluation of nerve recovery in repaired median nerve lacerations; Four weeks versus six weeks of immobilization in a cast following
The October 2024 Wrist & Hand Roundup360 looks at: Circumferential casting versus plaster splinting in preventing redisplacement of distal radial fractures; Comparable outcomes for operative versus nonoperative treatment of scapholunate ligament injuries in distal radius fractures; Perceived pain during the reduction of Colles fracture without anaesthesia; Diagnostic delays and physician training are key to reducing scaphoid fracture nonunion; Necrotizing fasciitis originating in the hand: a systematic review and meta-analysis; Study design influences outcomes in distal radial fracture research; Long-term results of index finger pollicization for congenital thumb anomalies: a systematic review; Enhancing nerve injury diagnosis: the evolving role of imaging and electrodiagnostic tools.
The April 2023 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: Can you treat type IIA supracondylar humerus fractures conservatively?; Bone bruising and anterior cruciate ligament injury in paediatrics; Participation and motor abilities after treatment with the Ponseti method; Does fellowship training help with paediatric supracondylar fractures?; Supracondylar elbow fracture management (Supra Man): a national trainee collaborative evaluation of practice; Magnetically controlled growing rods in early-onset scoliosis; Weightbearing restrictions and weight gain in children with Perthes’ disease?; Injuries and child abuse increase during the pandemic over 12,942 emergency admissions.
The December 2024 Trauma Roundup360 looks at: Percutaneous lumbopelvic fixation is effective in the management of unstable transverse sacral fractures; A systematic review on autologous matrix-induced chondrogenesis (AMIC) for chondral knee defects; Stable clinical and radiological outcomes at medium and over five-year follow-up of calcaneus fracture open reduction internal fixation using a sinus tarsi approach; Right or left? It might make a difference; Suprapatellar versus infrapatellar tibial nailing – is there a difference in anterior knee pain and function?; Can patients safely weightbear following ankle fracture fixation?; Anterior-to-posterior or a plate fixation for posterior malleous fractures?; Audio distraction for traction pin insertion: a prospective randomized controlled study; Is intramedullary nailing of femoral diaphyseal fractures in the lateral decubitus position as safe and effective as on a traction table?
The February 2023 Hip & Pelvis Roundup360 looks at: Total hip arthroplasty or internal fixation for hip fracture?; Significant deterioration in quality of life and increased frailty in patients waiting more than six months for total hip or knee arthroplasty: a cross-sectional multicentre study; Long-term cognitive trajectory after total joint arthroplasty; Costal cartilage grafting for a large osteochondral lesion of the femoral head; Foley catheters not a problem in the short term; Revision hips still a mortality burden?; How to position implants with a robotic arm; Uncemented stems in hip fracture?
The June 2023 Trauma Roundup360 looks at: Aspirin or low-molecular-weight heparin for thromboprophylaxis?; Lateral plating or retrograde nailing for distal femur fractures?; Sciatic nerve palsy after acetabular fixation: what about patient position?; How reliable is the new OTA/AO classification for trochanteric hip fractures?; Young hip fractures: is a medial buttress the answer?; When is the best time to ‘flap’ an open fracture?; The mortality burden of nonoperatively managed hip fractures.
The April 2023 Trauma Roundup360 looks at: Displaced femoral neck fractures in patients aged 55 to 70 years: internal fixation or total hip arthroplasty?; Tibial plateau fractures: continuous passive motion approves range of motion; Lisfranc fractures: to fuse or not to fuse, that is the question; Is hardware removal after clavicle fracture plate fixation beneficial?; Fixation to coverage in Grade IIIB open fractures – what’s the time window?; Nonoperative versus locking plate fixation in the proximal humerus; Retrograde knee nailing or lateral plate for distal femur fractures?
The June 2023 Hip & Pelvis Roundup360 looks at: Machine learning to identify surgical candidates for hip and knee arthroplasty: a viable option?; Poor outcome after debridement and implant retention; Can you cement polyethylene liners into well-fixed acetabular shells in hip revision?; Revision stem in primary arthroplasties: the Exeter 44/0 125 mm stem; Depression and anxiety: could they be linked to infection?; Does where you live affect your outcomes after hip and knee arthroplasties?; Racial disparities in outcomes after total hip arthroplasty and total knee arthroplasty are substantially mediated by socioeconomic disadvantage both in black and white patients.
The August 2024 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: Antibiotic prophylaxis and infection rates in paediatric supracondylar humerus fractures; Clinical consensus recommendations for the non-surgical treatment of children with Perthes’ disease in the UK; Health-related quality of life in idiopathic toe walkers: a multicentre prospective cross-sectional study; Children with spinal dysraphism: a systematic review of reported outcomes; No delay in age of crawling, standing, or walking with Pavlik harness treatment: a prospective cohort study; No value found with routine early postoperative radiographs after implant removal in paediatric patients; What do we know about the natural history of spastic hip dysplasia and pain in total-involvement cerebral palsy?; Evaluating the efficacy and safety of preoperative gallows traction for hip open reduction in infants
The October 2024 Trauma Roundup360 looks at: Early versus delayed weightbearing following operatively treated ankle fracture (WAX): a non-inferiority, multicentre, randomized controlled trial; The effect of early weightbearing and later weightbearing rehabilitation interventions on outcomes after ankle fracture surgery; Is intramedullary nailing of femoral diaphyseal fractures in the lateral decubitus position as safe and effective as on a traction table?; Periprosthetic fractures of the hip: Back to the Future, Groundhog Day, and horses for courses; Two big bones, one big decision: when to fix bilateral femur fractures; Comparison of ankle fracture fixation using intramedullary fibular nailing versus plate fixation; Unclassified acetabular fractures: do they really exist?
The August 2024 Wrist & Hand Roundup360 looks at: Methotrexate shows potential in reducing pain for hand osteoarthritis with synovitis; Circumferential casting versus plaster splinting in adult distal radius fractures: the CAST study findings; Surgery shows superior long-term success for Dupuytren contracture compared to needle fasciotomy and collagenase injection; Evolving trends in surgical management of wrist arthritis: a decade-long national analysis; Mid-term outcomes of three commonly used surgical reconstructions for scapholunate instability; SLAC and SNAC: what is the evidence for treatment?; Steroids for trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis?; When is it safe to return to driving after distal radius fracture fixation? A prospective study.
The April 2024 Children’s orthopaedics Roundup360 looks at: Ultrasonography or radiography for suspected paediatric distal forearm fractures?; Implant density in scoliosis: an important variable?; Gait after paediatric femoral shaft fracture treated with intramedullary nail fixation: a longitudinal prospective study; The opioid dilemma: navigating pain management for children’s bone fractures; 12- to 20-year follow-up of Dega acetabuloplasty in patients with developmental dysplasia of the hip; Physeal fractures of the distal ulna: incidence and risk factors for premature growth arrest; Analysis of growth after transphyseal anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in children; Management of lateral condyle humeral fracture associated with elbow dislocation in children: a retrospective international multicentre cohort study.
The August 2023 Trauma Roundup360 looks at: A comparison of functional cast and volar-flexion ulnar deviation for dorsally displaced distal radius fractures; Give your stable ankle fractures some AIR!; Early stabilization of rib fractures – an effective thing to do?; Locked plating versus nailing for proximal tibia fractures: A multicentre randomized controlled trial; Time to flap coverage in open tibia fractures; Does tranexamic acid affect the incidence of heterotropic ossification around the elbow?; High BMI – good or bad in surgical fixation of hip fractures?