100 patients were studied. 3 records were excluded, as there was no follow-up recorded. The demographics on 97 were: mean age 67 (range 37–91), male 56%, mean duration of symptoms 8.8yrs and primary OA in 65%. Overall 43% were improved at 3 months, 31% at 6 months and 29% at 12 months. When the results were analysed according to indication, patients with ‘moderate non-mechanical osteoarthritic symptoms after failed medical management and not severe enough for arthroplasty’ did best (49% at 3 months and 38% at 6 months). Patients with ‘persisting arthritic symptoms after attempted arthroscopic debridement for mechanical type knee symptoms’ had less predictable results (42% improved at 3 months and 23% at 6 months). Patients with ‘severe or deteriorating symptoms while awaiting knee replacement’ or who were ‘too medically ill for TKR’ had a low rate of improvement (18% at 3 months).