Neoadjuvant chemotherapy for osteosarcoma improves outcomes for the majority, but if the chemotherapy does not work then the dilemma often arises as to whether to do limb salvage with a marginal (or worse) margin of excision or to do an amputation. If limb salvage is carried out with a close margin, does post operative radiotherapy make any difference? This study aims to address these questions. Method. All patients with limb osteosarcoma, no metastases, a poor response to chemotherapy and either a marginal excision or primary amputation were identified from a prospective database. This group were investigated in terms of overall survival and local control. Results. There were 182 patients in this category of whom 60 had an amputation, 105 limb salvage with marginal margins and 17 with an
Giant cell tumor of bone is a benign lesion that is ‘locally aggressive and potentially malignant’. The most common specific location of ‘GCT’ is about the knee (50–65%), followed by the distal radius (10–12%), sacrum (4–9%) and proximal humerus (3%–8%). The pelvis is recognized as an infrequent site of involvement accounting for as few as 2% to 3% of all giant cell tumors. Giant cell tumors often can reach an alarming size in the pelvis jeopardizing the surrounding structures. Treatment options described in literature for pelvic giant cell tumors include radiation therapy; surgery with
The definition of a ‘safe’ tumour margin remains controversial. Enneking’s original definition of intralesional, marginal, wide and radical margins was based on a study of just 40 patients of whom only 12 had limb salvage surgery. Since that time thre have been numerous attempts to try and define tumour margins more clearly based on anatomical structures and distances of the tumour from the cut edge. Whilst all can agree on what is a radical margin (usually an amputation) and what is an
Aim. Local recurrence after surgery of soft tissue sarcomas is dependent on surgical margins. Wide margins require large resections which may lead to impaired function or loss of limb. In some cases it may be technical impossible or even ethical unacceptable to achieve ideal surgical margins. Standard adjuvant treatment in such cases is ionising radiation, which may cause severe toxic side effects. PCI is a unique procedure for site-specific delivery of several types of membrane impermeable molecules. The technology is based on the photochemical induced cytosolic release of endocytosed macromolecules from endosomes and lysosomes into the cytosol. PCI has in this study been evaluated as an adjuvant to the surgical resection of sarcoma. Method. Human fibrosarcom (HT1080) was transplanted to athymic mice. The photosensitizer aluminium phthalocyanine disulfonat (AlPcS2a), and bleomycin (BLM) was systemically administrated 48 hours and 30 minutes respectively prior to surgery and light exposure. After resection with
Introduction: Parosteal osteosarcoma is a rare, mostly low grade tumor arising from the surface of the bone. The aim of the study was to establish risk factors for local recurrence (LR) and death. Method: Retrospective review of a prospectively collected database with complete up-to-date follow up. Results: 63 patients were diagnosed and treated at our centre from 1978 to 2007. The most common site was the femur (37) followed by the tibia (10) and humerus (9). The median size was 7cm (2 – 16). At the time of diagnosis 27 (43%) were low grade, 13 (21%) were low grade but had invaded the medullary canal and 8 (13%) had a high grade component; the data was missing in 15 patients (24%). All patients were operated. LR arose in 11 patients (17.5%) at a mean of 38 months and was related to surgical margins. There were no LR in the 26 wide resections, but the risk of LR was 20% in those with a marginal and 46% in those with an intralesional excision. LR appeared as a higher grade than the primary tumor in 3 patients (27%). 9 (14.3%) patients developed metastases at a median of 22 months (6 – 123). Five patients developed both LR and metastases. Seven patients died from the tumor, 2 patients are alive with metastatic disease. None of the patients with a low grade tumor and wide or marginal margins died of tumor, but 2 patients (18%) operated intralesional died of tumor. Discussion: There was a statistically significant relationship between surgical margins and LR (p<
0.001). All patients with low grade parosteal osteosarcoma operated with wide margins have been cured. LR appeared often in higher grade than the primary tumor. Patients with low grade tumor and
Haemangiomas are benign tumours with increased number of normal or abnormal appearing blood vessels. They are the commonest soft tissue tumours of infancy and childhood and comprise 7% of all soft tissue tumours. Our study is a retrospective analysis of 120 referred cases of various vascular anomalies in the last 10 years. Eighty cases had confirmed haemangiomas. MRI scan and needle biopsy formed the basis of diagnosis. M:F = 42:38. Mean age at presentation was 34.8 years, with the youngest and eldest patient being 3.5 and 78 years respectively. 5 patients were lost to study. Sites of occurrence were upper limb(32), lower limb(32), axilla(3), foot(5), thumb(1), knee(4), spine(1), posterior chest wall(2). 55/80 patients were managed non-operatively by way of Sclerotherapy/Embolisation, watchful observation or symptomatic treatment. 4/55 cases were assessed to be unsuitable for sclerotherapy and 1 patient was subjected to surgery. 6/55 cases did not respond to sclerotherapy. 25/55 cases were managed with surgical excision. Complete excision was the primary goal of surgery.
Aims: To demonstrate the possibility to apply in the spine the same principles of surgical oncology adopted for primary bone tumors of the limbs. Methods: From 1-1-1992 to the end of 2001 seventy-seven primary malignant and aggressive benign bone tumors and 27 solitary metastases were treated. The primary tumors were classiþed according to Enneking oncological system and Weinstein-Boriani-Biagini surgical system. The en bloc resection were performed in 3 cervical, 34 thoracic, in 28 lumbar, in 29 thoracolumbar, and 10 in lumbosacral lesion. Reconstruction was performed, aiming to replace the resected elements of stability. Results: In 71 patients a wide margins was achieved, in 19 a marginal margin, in 14 an
Introduction. The aim of this study was to investigate the results of a series of cases from a single institution with respect to local disease control and patient survival to determine prognostic factors. Methods. Electronic patient records were reviewed on all patients with STS between February 1963 and January 2007. 2445 patients had over 30 types of STS. 1639 (67%) had not received any treatment prior to presentation, however, 770 patients (32%) had undergone a previous attempted excision. Survival analyses were done using Kaplan Meier and Cox regression analyses, however, for prognostic factor analysis, only patients presenting without prior treatment were included. Results. Common diagnoses were liposarcoma (292 patients, 12%), synovial sarcoma (242 patients, 10%) and leiomyosarcoma (239 patients, 10%). Most presented in the thigh (950 patients, 39%), arm (325 patients, 13%) or lower leg (275 patients, 11%) and most were deep to fascia (1581 patients, 74%). The mean size was 10.2cm. Overall cumulative patient survival was 58% at 5 years and 44% at 10 years. Locally recurrent disease occurred in 350 patients (14%), 204 patients (8%) presented with and 720 patients (30%) subsequently developed metastatic disease. Prognostic factors for locally recurrent disease were arm tumours (p=0.003, HR=0.3), hip tumours (p=0.01, HR=0.31), thigh tumours (p=0.002, HR=0.52),
The Birmingham Orthopaedic Oncology Meeting (BOOM), held in January 2024, convened 309 delegates from 53 countries to discuss and refine 21 consensus statements on the optimal management of chondrosarcoma. With representation from Europe (43%; n = 133), North America (17%; n = 53), South America (16%; n = 49), Asia (13%; n = 40), Australasia (5%; n = 16), the Middle East (4%; n = 12), and Africa (2%; n = 6), the combined experience of treating bone sarcomas among attendees totalled approximately 30,000 cases annually, equivalent to 66 years of experience in the UK alone. The meeting’s process began with the formation of a local organizing committee, regional leads, and a scientific committee comprising representatives from 150 specialist units across 47 countries. Supported by major orthopaedic oncology organizations, the meeting used a modified Delphi process to develop consensus statements through online questionnaires, thematic groupings, narrative reviews, and anonymous pre-meeting polling.Aims
Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the results of a series of cases from a single institution with respect to local disease control and patient survival to determine prognostic factors. Methods: Electronic patient records were reviewed on all patients with STS between February 1963 and January 2007. 2445 patients had over 30 types of STS. 1639 (67%) had not received any treatment prior to presentation, however, 770 patients (32%) had undergone a previous attempted excision. Survival analyses were done using Kaplan Meier and Cox regression analyses, however, for prognostic factor analysis, only patients presenting without prior treatment were included. Results: Common diagnoses were liposarcoma (292 patients, 12%), synovial sarcoma (242 patients, 10%) and leiomyosarcoma (239 patients, 10%). Most presented in the thigh (950 patients, 39%), arm (325 patients, 13%) or lower leg (275 patients, 11%) and most were deep to fascia (1581 patients, 74%). The mean size was 10.2cm. Overall cumulative patient survival was 58% at 5 years and 44% at 10 years. Locally recurrent disease occurred in 350 patients (14%), 204 patients (8%) presented with and 720 patients (30%) subsequently developed metastatic disease. Prognostic factors for locally recurrent disease were arm tumours (p=0.003, HR=0.3), hip tumours (p=0.01, HR=0.31), thigh tumours (p=0.002, HR=0.52),
Introduction and Aims: Sacrococcygeal chordoma presents a difficult diagnostic and therapeutic problem with a high incidence of local recurrence. The report aims to define the importance of adequate surgical treatment on outcome and survival. Method: Fifty-eight patients underwent surgical treatment for sacrococcygeal chordoma between 1979 and 2001. The series included 19 women and 39 men with an average age of 56.2 (range 13–76) years at diagnosis. Depending on the level and extent of the lesion, a posterior approach was performed in 25 patients, and a combined antero-posterior approach in 33 patients. A wide surgical margin was achieved in 22 patients, 14 marginal and 22 intralesional. Results: At average follow-up of 92.2 (range 18–276) months. Thirty-three patients were alive with no evidence of disease. Twenty-one patients had local recurrence. Recurrence-free survival at five years was 67% and at 10 years 57%. The overall survival was 74%, 51%, 42% at five years, 10 years, and 15 years, respectively. All patients with wide margins survived (100%), which was significantly different from patients who had either marginal or intralesional excision (p=0.0001). The type of surgical approach (p=0.138) does not influence the likelihood to obtain a good margin, although patients with wide margins were also more likely to have small tumors. A wide margin was achieved in 48% using a combined antero-posterior approach, whereas this was the case only in 29% using a posterior approach. Tumor volume univariately assessed, however, does not seem to compromise the possibility of obtaining a wide margin (p=0.21). Multivariate analysis identified – in contrast to tumor volume (p=0.13) – margin (p=0.0001) and age (p=0.04) as predictors of survival. Whereas survival is independent of age in the case with wide margins, patients with marginal or
Chondrosarcoma is the second most common surgically treated primary bone sarcoma. Despite a large number of scientific papers in the literature, there is still significant controversy about diagnostics, treatment of the primary tumour, subtypes, and complications. Therefore, consensus on its day-to-day treatment decisions is needed. In January 2024, the Birmingham Orthopaedic Oncology Meeting (BOOM) attempted to gain global consensus from 300 delegates from over 50 countries. The meeting focused on these critical areas and aimed to generate consensus statements based on evidence amalgamation and expert opinion from diverse geographical regions. In parallel, periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) in oncological reconstructions poses unique challenges due to factors such as adjuvant treatments, large exposures, and the complexity of surgery. The meeting debated two-stage revisions, antibiotic prophylaxis, managing acute PJI in patients undergoing chemotherapy, and defining the best strategies for wound management and allograft reconstruction. The objectives of the meeting extended beyond resolving immediate controversies. It sought to foster global collaboration among specialists attending the meeting, and to encourage future research projects to address unsolved dilemmas. By highlighting areas of disagreement and promoting collaborative research endeavours, this initiative aims to enhance treatment standards and potentially improve outcomes for patients globally. This paper sets out some of the controversies and questions that were debated in the meeting. Cite this article:
For rare cases when a tumour infiltrates into the hip joint, extra-articular resection is required to obtain a safe margin. Endoprosthetic reconstruction following tumour resection can effectively ensure local control and improve postoperative function. However, maximizing bone preservation without compromising surgical margin remains a challenge for surgeons due to the complexity of the procedure. The purpose of the current study was to report clinical outcomes of patients who underwent extra-articular resection of the hip joint using a custom-made osteotomy guide and 3D-printed endoprosthesis. We reviewed 15 patients over a five-year period (January 2017 to December 2022) who had undergone extra-articular resection of the hip joint due to malignant tumour using a custom-made osteotomy guide and 3D-printed endoprosthesis. Each of the 15 patients had a single lesion, with six originating from the acetabulum side and nine from the proximal femur. All patients had their posterior column preserved according to the surgical plan.Aims
The aim of the present study was to analyze the oncological and neurological outcome of patients undergoing interdisciplinary treatment for primary malignant bone and soft-tissue tumours of the spine within the last seven decades, and changes over time. We retrospectively analyzed our single-centre experience of prospectively collected data by querying our tumour registry (Medical University of Vienna). Therapeutic, pathological, and demographic variables were examined. Descriptive data are reported for the entire cohort. Kaplan-Meier analysis and multivariate Cox regression analysis were applied to evaluate survival rates and the influence of potential risk factors.Aims
The April 2015 Oncology Roundup360 looks at: New hope for skull base tumours; Survival but at what cost?; Synovial sarcoma beginning to be cracked?; Wound complications facing soft-tissue sarcoma surgeons; Amputation may offer no survival benefit over reconstruction; Giant cell tumour in the longer term; Intralesional treatment comparable with excision in GCT of the radius?; Imaging prior to oncological referral; And finally…