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International Society for Technology in Arthroplasty (ISTA) 31st Annual Congress, London, England, October 2018. Part 2.


Introduction and Aims

A recent submission to ASTM, WK28778 entitled “Standard test method for determination of friction torque and friction factor for hip implants using an anatomical motion hip simulator”, describes a proposal for determining the friction factor of hip implant devices. Determination of a friction factor in an implant bearing couple using a full kinematic walking cycle as described in ISO14242-1 may offer designers and engineers valuable input to improve wear characteristics, minimize torque and improve long term performance of hip implants. The aim of this study was to investigate differences in friction factors between two commercially available polyethylene materials using the procedure proposed.


Two polyethylene acetabular liner material test groups were chosen for this study: commercially available Marathon® (A) and AltrX® (B). All liners were machined to current production specifications with an inner diameter of 36mm and an outer diameter of 56mm. Surface roughness (Ra) of the liner inner diameters were measured using contact profilometry in the head-liner contact area, before and after 3Mcyc of wear testing. Liners were soaked in bovine serum for 48 hours prior to testing. Friction factor measurements were taken per ASTM WK28778 prior to, and after wear testing using an external six degrees of freedom load cell (ATI Industrial Automation) and a reduced maximum vertical load of 1900N.

Friction factor and wear testing was conducted in bovine serum (18mg/mL total protein concentration) supplemented with 0.056% sodium azide (preservative) and 5.56mM EDTA (calcium stabilizer) on a 12-station AMTI (Watertown, MA) ADL hip simulator with load soak controls per ISO 14242-1:2014(E). The liners were removed from the machine, cleaned and gravimetric wear determined per ISO 14242-2:2000(E) every 0.5 million cycles (MCyc) through a total of 3Mcyc to evaluate wear.


It was observed that although measured wear rates were significantly different between the Marathon® (10.3 ± 2.2mg/Mcyc) and AltrX® (1.7 ± 0.2mg/Mcyc) test groups, the measured friction factors were not significantly different between groups; 0.094 ± 0.015 Marathon® and 0.095 ± 0.007 AltrX® pre wear, and 0.103 ± 0.001 Marathon® and 0.106 ± 0.006 AltrX® post wear. The increase in friction factor observed following wear in of the polyethylene liners is expected. Average friction factors were calculated from data measured in the region from heel strike through toe-off of the gait cycle (the 1st 60% of the kinematics cycle described in ISO 14242). It is observed that the resultant friction curves for untested bearing couples had a larger spread across the 4 measured samples than those following 3Mcyc of standard wear, most likely due to variations in polyethylene roughness, contact area and clearances between the bearing couples in the as received state.


It is concluded from this study that the draft ASTM protocol proposed is capable of measuring frictional effects in MoP hip bearing couples, and for the polyethylene materials tested herein there is no significant difference between the average measured friction factors when all other parameters (i.e. design and gait cycle) are controlled.