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Objective: Appendicular soft tissue tumours are rare. They represent less than 1% of all malignancy. Failure to appropriately investigate a malignant mass can result in unnecessary loss of limb or life. New Zealand is a sparsely populated country and has four orthopaedic tumour surgeons which is in keeping with the recommended ratio of 1/1,000,000. Consequently some patients find themselves long distances from Tertiary tumour centres. We looked at the investigation and referrals of patients to the Bone and Soft tissue tumour service at our institution.

We reviewed the charts of all patients (126) with a soft tissue tumour referred to the senior authors in 2006 and 2007. The information was stored in a prospective Tumour Registry Database. Where information was not available in records kept at our institution, the referring institution was contacted.

There were 92 tertiary referrals and 34 GP referrals. The majority of the tertiary referrals came from orthopaedic surgeons (55), and general surgeons (28). The mean duration between referral and review was 16 days (0–215 days). There was a of 13 days wait for tertiary referral review. Tissue samples and histology reports accompanied 33 patients which had resulted from 35 invasive Pre Referral Procedures (PRP). This group suffered 21 complications affecting 18 patients. The remainder (91) were Pre Biopsy Referrals (PBR). Biospy was deemed necessary in 47 cases. The PBR group suffered 4 complications. Only one complication occurred to a patient with benign histology in each group. There was an extremely significant relationship between Pre Referral Procedures and suffering a complication (P< 0.0001). The relative risk of complication was 6.2 (C.I. 2.0–18.4) if an invasive procedure was performed prior to referral. There were 3 amputations (plus one recommended but refused by patient) in the PRP group and 1 amputation in the PBR group. This was not statistically significant. The median interval between referral and senior author review was 8 days for the PRP group and 10 days for the PBR group (P=0.2574). Sixty six percent of tertiary referrals were PBR (74% when including GP referrals).

Biopsy of suspected appendicular Soft Tissue Sarcoma should be done by a tumour specialist or in prior consultation with one. There is virtually no delay to see an orthopaedic tumour specialist in New Zealand and achieving a tissue diagnosis does not expedite this.

Correspondence should be addressed to: Associate Professor N. Susan Stott, Orthopaedic Department, Starship Children’s Hospital, Private Bag 92024, Auckland, New Zealand.