Introduction: Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation (ACI) is a treatment option for symptomatic, full-thickness chondral/osteochondral injuries. Goals of surgery and rehabilitation include replacement of damaged cartilage with hyaline/hyaline-like cartilage, leading eventually to improved level of function. Intermediate and long-term results are promising in terms of functional improvement.
Purpose: To explore the hypothesis that non-hyaline cartilage repair tissue is associated with worse functional outcome and to assess whether the quality of the repair tissue formed following ACI improves with time post-surgery.
Methods and Results: Two hundred and forty eight patients who underwent ACI at our institution were studied, having had post-implantation biopsies of the repair tissue. Mean timing of biopsy was 14.8 months (range 3–55). 59 biopsies showed hyaline tissue (24%), 67 mixed hyaline and fibrocartilage (27%), 113 biopsies were fibrocartilage only (46%) and 9 patients had a fibrous tissue biopsy result (9%). 126 patients (51%) had hyaline tissue in the regenerate and demonstrated a mean Modified Cincinnati Rating Score (MCRS) of 84 and a mean Lysholm Score of 88 at last follow-up (Group 1). 122 patients (49%) had no hyaline tissue in the regenerate and scored a mean MCRS of 71 and a mean Lysholm Score of 73 (Group 2). Both Groups 1 and 2 demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in functional outcome between pre and post-operative scores (p< 0.0001). There was significant difference in post-operative scores between Groups 1 and 2 suggesting that presence of hyaline tissue in the regenerate is associated with improved functional outcome (p< 0.05). Finally, our statistical analysis suggested that if time post-implantation doubles, then the likelihood of a favourable histological outcome increases significantly.
Conclusion: ACI forms a durable repair tissue that remodels and continues to improve in quality with time. Poor functional outcome may reflect the presence of a non-hyaline cartilage repair tissue.
The abstracts were prepared by Mr Matt Costa and Mr Ben Ollivere. Correspondence should be addressed to Mr Costa at Clinical Sciences Research Institute, University of Warwick, Clifford Bridge Road, Coventry CV2 2DX, UK.