Introduction: The position of the L4/5 disc inter-space is commonly believed to be represented by a line drawn between the two highest points of the iliac crests. This line is used frequently as a pre-operative guide for incision placement, in patients undergoing spinal surgery.
Aim: To investigate whether a line drawn between the two highest points on the iliac crests corresponds to the L4/5 disc inter-space, in varying patient age groups.
Patients and Methods: We reviewed 450 AP and lateral lumbar spine radiographs in patients ranging in age from 20 – 90 years. Patients with an obvious deformity or previous spinal surgery were excluded from the study. In the AP films, a line was drawn between the two highest points on the iliac crests. From this line, the distance to the midpoint of the L4/5 disc was measured.
Results: In all age groups measured, the true L4/5 disc inter-space lay below the line between the iliac crests, at an average of 4.33mm below the supracristal plane. The plane intersected the spine at the L4/5 interspace in only 31.9% of cases and was found to lie at the lower half of the L4 body or above in 49.3% of cases.
Conclusions: These results show that, using a line drawn between the two highest points on the iliac crests as a guide to the position of the L4/5 disc interspace may lead to unintentionally cranial positioning of an incision or cannulation in this area. Therefore, it is advisable to perform a pre-operative AP and lateral radiograph of the lumbar spine, to enable accurate incision placement when performing spinal surgery in this area.
Correspondence should be addressed to Ms Larissa Welti, Scientific Secretary, EFORT Central Office, Technoparkstrasse 1, CH-8005 Zürich, Switzerland