Background: Growth and development of the intervertebral disc and its adjacent vertebrae is regulated via relative levels of cell proliferation, cell death and hypertrophy, and through extracellular matrix synthesis or degradation [1]. The synthesis of matrix molecules in the growing spine of embryonic rats has been reported in some detail [2,3]. In addition, increased levels of apoptotic disc cell death have been described in normal ageing, disc degeneration and in a murine model of disc spondylosis [4,5]. However, levels of cell proliferation in the developing spine have not been formally investigated.
Methods/Results: BALB/c mice were injected with the thymidine analogue, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), at weeks 1–4 postnatally and killed 1 or 24 hours later. The lumbar spines were decalcified and tissue sections immunostained for BrdU-incorporation. The intervertebral disc was fully formed at weeks 1–4, consisting of a notochordal nucleus pulposus, lamellar anulus fibrosus, and cartilaginous endplates between the disc and vertebral growth-plates. BrdU-immunopositivity was most marked in 1 week old mice, particularly in the proliferative zone of the growth-plate and the apophyseal ring. By 4 weeks, few, if any, BrdU-labelled cells were present in the disc, but some positivity remained in the apophyses. There were more paired BrdU-labelled cells at 24 hours than 1 hour post-injection in all regions, indicating likely clonal growth of these cells.
Conclusions: Cell proliferation forms an important part of the growth of the vertebrae, but also features in the early postnatal growth of the murine intervertebral disc. An understanding of how proliferation in these cell populations is regulated will help augment repair and regenerative responses in damaged adult discs or scoliosis.
Correspondence should be addressed to SBPR c/o Royal college of Surgeons, 35 - 43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PN
Funded in part by the Pathological Society of Great Britain & Ireland.
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