Purpose and background: Practitioners’ beliefs about their professional role, their patients and the nature of back pain can impact on clinical decisions. These attitudes are likely to affect their choice to implement guidelines, whether they engage with their patients’ psychological problems, and their decisions about referral. We aimed to develop, test and explore the underlying dimensions of a new questionnaire, ‘The Attitudes to Back Pain Scale’ (ABS), in a specific group of clinicians, practitioners who specialise in musculoskeletal therapy: chiropractors, osteopaths and physiotherapists (COPs).
Methods and Results: We used a mixed methods study design. Using transcripts of interviews with 42 practitioners, we constructed 54 attitudinal statements, grouped theoretically into six sub-headings. We tested the validity of our categorization on 14 practitioners, who carried out a sorting task, including a rating of difficulty in cat-egorising each item. We sent the draft questionnaires to a large random sample of practitioners (300 COPs). 546 questionnaires were returned (61%). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed on split samples of the dataset. Separate exploratory analyses were done for attitudes concerned with personal interaction (34 items) and attitudes about treatment orientation (18 items), producing six domains ‘Limitations on sessions’, ‘Psychological’, ‘System and Void’, ‘Clinical Limitations’, ‘Reactivation’, and ‘Biomedical’. Confirmatory analyses indicated that the model tested presented a good fit. Validity interviews revealed high agreement of categorisation and low levels of difficulty in categorising the items.
Conclusions: A new questionnaire for measuring clinicians’ attitudes towards back pain has been developed. Further work is required to assess the impact of these factors on practitioners’ behaviour and patient outcomes.
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