Aims: Prior research has demonstrated that currently available total ankle implants fail to restore physiologic joint mobility. Most of the modern mobile-bearing designs that feature a flat tibial component and a talar component with anatomic curvature in the sagittal plane function non physiologically with the natural ligament apparatus. The aims of this investigation were a) to elucidate the natural relationship between ligaments and articular surfaces at the intact human ankle joint and b) to develop a new design of total ankle replacement able to replicate this relationship between the retained ligaments and the implanted prosthetic components.
Methods: Motion during passive flexion was analyzed in ten skeleto-ligamentous lower leg preparations including tibia, fibula, talus, calcaneus and intact ligaments. Geometry of ligament fiber arrangement and articular surface shapes was obtained with a 3D digitizer (FARO Technologies, Inc.). A sagittal four-bar linkage model was formulated as formed by the tibia/fibula and talus/ calcaneus rigid segments and by the calcaneofibular and tibiocalcaneal ligaments. To test the ability of possible new prostheses to reproduce the compatible mutual function between the articulating surfaces and the ligaments retained, non-conforming two-component and fully-conforming three-component designs were analyzed. A new total ankle replacement has been designed, prototypes manufactured and implanted in seven skeleto-ligamentous lower leg preparations, and motion was observed. A corresponding new prosthesis has been produced (Finsbury, UK), and implanted in four patients.
Results: The articular surfaces and the ligaments alone prescribed joint motion into a preferred single path of multiaxial rotation (one degree of unresisted freedom). Fibers within the calcaneofibular and tibiocalcaneal ligaments remained most isometric throughout the passive range. The four-bar linkage model well predicted the sagittal plane kinematics observed in corresponding experiments. A ligament-compatible, convex-tibia, fully-congruent, three-component prosthesis design showed the best features: complete congruence over the entire range of flexion together with an acceptable degree of entrapment of the meniscal bearing. Restoration of natural joint kinematics and ligament recruitment was observed in all replaced ankles.
Conclusions: The overall investigation is demonstrating that a profound knowledge of the changing geometry of the joint passive structures throughout the range of passive flexion (mobility) is mandatory for a successful design of joint replacements.
The abstracts were prepared by Ms Grazia Gliozzi. Correspondence should be addressed to her at the Italian Orthopaedic Research Society, Laboratory for Pathophysiology, Instituti Ortopedici Rizzoli, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.