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Symptomatic ossicles of the lateral malleolus in children

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We describe three children with symptoms of damage to the attachment of an anomalous ossific centre of the lower fibular epiphysis. All three were aged 8 to 10 years at the time of the initial injury, had suffered recurrent ankle sprains and had well localised and consistent tenderness precisely at the site of the anomalous ossific centre. All their symptoms were relieved by excision of the ossicle with reconstitution of the fibular collateral ligament. Whilst a separate secondary centre of ossification at the lower fibula is present in 1% of healthy children between the ages of 6 and 12 years, the condition described is extremely uncommon. Excision of the fragment should be reserved for those patients with recalcitrant symptoms and with consistent tenderness precisely at the site of the accessory ossicle.

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