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Advancement of the tibial tuberosity. A biomechanical study

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The effects of advancement of the tibial tuberosity by inserting bony wedges was studied on cadaveric specimens of the knee. The geometry, the contact areas and the forces acting on the patellofemoral joint were investigated, and the forces acting on the tibiofemoral compartment were calculated. A 1 cm advancement was found to be optimal in reducing the high patellofemoral joint forces occurring at 90 degrees and 110 degrees of flexion, whilst causing least reduction of the contact areas; the stresses on the joint were reduced significantly. Advancement by 2 cm and by 3 cm drastically reduced the congruity and the size of the contact area. It was also shown that 2 cm and 3 cm advancement caused an increase in forces at the patellofemoral joint and also in the tibiofemoral joint in a direction tangential to the articular surfaces.

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