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Modern total hip arthroplasty: peak of perfection or room for improvement?
Modern total hip arthroplasty: peak of perfection or room for improvement?
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Editorial Board Member, Associate Editor and Board Member, NRS Clinical Research Fellow, Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
The Bone & Joint Journal, London, UK
Bone & Joint Research, London, UK
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Search for more articles by this authorConsultant Orthopaedic Surgeon
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Search for more articles by this authorProfessor of Orthopaedic Surgery, Editor-in-Chief
The Bone & Joint Journal, London, UK
University College London Hospitals, The Princess Grace Hospital, and The NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at UCLH, London, UK
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